50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

Publications 1998


  • R. Reischuk, T. Zeugmann
    Learning One-Variable Pattern Languages in Linear Average Time
    Proc. 11. Conference on Computational Learning Theory COLT'98, 198-208
  • P. Rossmanith, T. Zeugmann
    Learning k-Variable Pattern Languages Efficiently Stochastically Finite on Average from Positive Data
    Proc. 4. Int. Colloquium on Grammatical Inference - ICGI'98, (V. Honavar and G. Slutzki, Eds.), Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1433, 13 - 24, 1998
  • M. Bläser
    Bivariate polynomial multiplication
    Proc. 39. IEEE Symposium on Foundations in Computer Sciences FOCS'98, 186-191


  • A. Jakoby, R. Reischuk, C. Schindelhauer
    The Complexity of Broadcasting in Planar and Decomposable Graphs
    Discrete Applied Mathematics 83, 179-206; Zweitveröffentlichung 1999 in einem Special Volume: Discrete Applied Mathematics -- Editors' Choice 1998
  • T. Zeugmann
    Lange and Wiehagen's Pattern Language Learning Algorithm: An Average-Case Analysis with respect to its Total Learning Time
    Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 23, 1-2, 1998, 117-145, (Special Issue for ALT'94 and AII'94)

Monografien, Editorium, Buchbeiträge

  • R. Reischuk
    Komplexitätstheorie, Band I: Grundlagen: Maschinenmodelle, Zeit- und Platzkomplexität, Nichtdeterminismus
    Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998
  • W. Bibel, H. Fiedler, W. Grass, P. Gorny, G. Hotz, I. Kerner, R. Reischuk, F. Roithmayr, (Hrsg)
    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1996
    Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998
  • H. Fiedler, P. Gorny, W. Grass, S. Hölldobler, G. Hotz, I. Kerner, R. Reischuk, (Hrsg)
    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 1997
    Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1998
  • M.M. Richter, C.H. Smith, R. Wiehagen and T. Zeugmann, (Eds.)
    Algorithmic Learning Theory
    Proc. 9th Int. Conference ALT'98, Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 1501


  • P. Rossmanith, T. Zeugmann
    Learning k-Variable Pattern Languages Efficiently Stochastically Finite on Average from Positive Data
    DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-145, Department of Informatics, Kyushu University, January 1998
  • R. Reischuk, T. Zeugmann
    Analyzing the Average-Case Behavior of Conjunctive Learning Algorithms
    DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-153, Department of Informatics, Kyushu University, August 1998