50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Prof. Dr. math. K. Rüdiger Reischuk

Research projects

Managed Research Projects with Funding

Project Duration Funding by
Anonymity Guarantees against Adversaries with Bounded Background Knowledge 2023 – 2025 Forschungsrahmenprogramm der Bundesregierung zur IT-Sicherheit „Digital. Sicher. Souverän.“
Digital Seals 2007 – 2008 BSI, Bundesdruckerei
Information Hiding: Complexity-theoretic Modelling and Analysis 2005 – 2009 DFG
Robust Inference and Compression 2004 – 2007 DFG
Average and Smoothed Complexity 2004 – 2007 DFG
Robust and Efficient Parallel Computing 1993 – 1998 DFG
Highly Available Services for Scalable Distributed Systems 1993 – 1998 GIF
Communication Complexity of Parallel and Distributed Systems 1993 – 1998 DFG