50 Jahre Uni Lübeck

Institut für Theoretische Informatik

Boolean Circuits and Communication - CS3702

Veranstaltungsart und -inhalt

Titel Boolean Circuits and Communication
Dozenten Prof. Reischuk
Einordnung Hauptseminar in englischer Sprache
Bachelor-Studiengang 5. Semester, Anmeldung im ITCS-Sekretariat
Inhalte The fundamental devices of modern computations are Boolean circuits that transform sequences of bits.In this seminar we will discuss the task to design efficient circuits for important Boolean functions – one of the most basic problems in informatics that has already been investigated by Shannon more than 50 years ago. Various restricted computational models will be considered and different techniques to analyse the computational problems. Circuit layout and reliability question can also be discussed.

In addition, we will consider communication protocols and the question how many bits two partners have to exchange in order to compute a given Boolean function if the inputs of this function are distributed between the two sides.

Using quantum bits instead of classical 0/1-bits has generated hope that computations could be sped up significantly. The basics of quantum computing and the quantum circuit model will be the final topic of this seminar.

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Termine Mi. 16-18 Uhr, ITCS Seminarraum 2021. Wir beginnen mit dem ersten Vortrag am 12. November 2009. Ab dann werden die Vorträge jeweils wöchentlich stattfinden.