50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

SS 2007 – Computer Algebra

Classification and Contents

Title Computer Algebra
Lecturer Prof. Reischuk
Classification Master-Studiengang 2. Semester, Wahl
Diplom-Studiengang 6. Semester, Vertiefung
Bachelor-Studiengang CLS 6. Semester
Master-Studiengang CLS 2. Semester
  • Repräsentation mathematischer Objekte
  • Normalformeln
  • Polynome, Matrizen
  • Multiplikationsalgorithmen, FFT, DFT
  • Gröbner Basen
  • formale Differentation und Interprätation
  • J. von zur Gathen, J. Gerhars: Modern Computer Algebra, Cambridge University Press 1999
  • J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, V. Weispfenning: Computer Algebra Handbook, Springer New York 2003


Lecturer Prof. Reischuk
Credits 2 SWS, ECTS-Credits: 4
Hours Lecture Th 10:00h – 12:00h, ITCS seminar room 21, 2nd floor building 64
First lecture is on 12.04.07


Credits 1 SWS
Hours Lecture Th 10:00h – 12:00h, ITCS seminar room 21, 2nf floor building 64
First exercise on 13.04.07 2nd floor building 64
First lecture is on 12.04.07