50 years Univerity of Lübeck

Institute for Theoretical Computer Science

Programs and Proof: Introduction to Program Verification

Type and Content

Title: Programs and Proof: Introduction to Program Verification
Lecturer: Völzer
Classification: Proseminar Diplom-Studiengang + Bachelor-Studiengang

Exercises in program correctness and presentation

We practise the presentation of scientific content through examples from the area of program verification. The challenge we will face is to present, in a short talk, a problem, its algorithmic solution, and its proof of correctness in such a way that your audience is fully convinced that you have indeed presented a solution to the presented problem.

In English.


Lecturer: Völzer
Hours: 2 SWS, 4 ECTS
Dates: Mo. 10.00h-12.00h, ITCS-Seminarraum 21, 2. OG., Geb. 64