About the Conference


The main theme of the conference is popularizing the rich algorithmics and mathematics underlying computer science, a new kind of thinking much of the school / college education community is largely untouched by. And yet, this has the potential to unlock a great amount of creativity, currently stifled by the calculus oriented math curricula. We do NOT wish to discuss how to make math easy, or how to teach topic X or Y in the syllabus easily, but to attract pupils to open problems, to dare reach for gold. We believe that combinatorics and computer science mathematics offer extensive opportunities in this regard.

Importantly, the conference aims to engage mathematical scientists in outreach and communication. Bringing together researchers, educators and communicators committed to bringing exploration and discovery into classrooms and among the educated public, the conference hopes to explore new ways of thinking initiated by Computer Science Unplugged, Algorithms Unplugged and other similar efforts since the 1990s.


The conference features keynote talks by researchers and communicators with original work in popularizing mathematics and computer science. We want to share techniques, tools and experiences to achieve this goal.

See our poster for more information.

Who should attend

Everybody interested in innovative ways to teach / popularize algorithmics and its foundation. We encourage you to present your own efforts and discuss new ideas.

Program Comittee

  • Tim Bell, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, University of Canterbury
  • Mike Fellows, Institute for Informatics, University of Bergen
  • Jam Ramanujam, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
  • Rüdiger Reischuk, Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, University of Lübeck
  • Frances Rosamond, Institute for Informatics, University of Bergen

Organizing Comittee

Related Events

On the afternoon of Friday (7th October) a small workshop on FPT (fixed parameter tractability) will be held at the same place right after the conference.

A week after the CMSC, the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education takes place in Münster, roughly 350km apart from Lübeck.