14th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science

Hansestadt Lübeck, Germany

February 27 - March 1, 1997

Hamburg Hbf
Track Type of Train Arrival
Lübeck Hbf
Time for Journey
0:30 7 RE 1:09 0:39
2:45 8 D 3:30 0:45
4:01 8 D 4:38 0:37
4:30 7 SE 5:31 1:01
5:15 8 RE 5:54 0:39
6:02 7 RE 6:41 0:39
6:19 6 RE 7:05 0:46
6:30 7 IR 7:11 0:41
7:15 7b RE 7:54 0:39
7:30 6a EC 8:04 0:34
8:15 7 RE 8:54 0:39
8:30 7 IR 9:11 0:41
9:12 7 EC 9:50 0:38
9:16 5 RE 9:55 0:39
10:15 7 RE 10:54 0:39
10:30 7 IR 11:11 0:41
11:15 6 RE 11:54 0:39
12:15 7 RE 12:54 0:39
12:30 8 IR 13:11 0:41
13:15 7 RE 13:54 0:39
13:30 7 EC 14:04 0:34
14:15 7b RE 14:54 0:39
15:12 7 EC 15:48 0:36
15:16 5 RE 15:55 0:39
16:15 7b RE 16:54 0:39
16:30 8 IR 17:11 0:41
16:45 8 RE 17:31 0:46
17:15 7b RE 17:54 0:39
17:30 8 IR 18:11 0:41
17:43 8 RE 18:30 0:47
18:12 7b RE 18:52 0:40
18:27 7 EC 19:00 0:33
18:45 6a RE 19:31 0:46
19:15 5b RE 19:54 0:39
20:15 7 RE 20:54 0:39
20:30 8 IR 21:11 0:41
21:15 7 RE 21:54 0:39
22:15 7 RE 22:54 0:39
22:19 5b SE 23:23 1:04
23:15 7 RE 0:00 0:45

Valid on Wednesday, February 26, 1997

RE, SE: Local train
IR: InterRegio (fast train)
D: Fast train
EC: EuroCity (fast train), subject to a supplement

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Last modified: November 25, 1996 by K. Genther.