14th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science

Hansestadt Lübeck, Germany

February 27 - March 1, 1997

  1. "Holstentor", the emblem of Lübeck, built in 1464-1478:
  2. "Puppenbrücke" (bridge with sandstone statues):
  3. "Rathaus" and "Marktplatz":
  4. "Marienkirche", built in the 13th and 14th century, took French cathedrals as an example and aimed to outdo the Dom:
  5. Old vessels at the "Holstenhafen" (88 KB)
  6. "Koberg" with
  7. "Burgtor", town gate from the 13th century:
  8. "Heiligen-Geist-Hospital" from 1284, hospital for ill and old people:
  9. "Aegidienkirche" (built on the basis of a church with one nave from the 13th century, church steeple reworked in 1840) (13 KB)
  10. "Mühlenbrücke" near the "Alte Seefahrtschule" (120 KB)
  11. "Alte Seefahrtschule" (former merchant navy training college, now part of the Computer Science Department of MU Lübeck):
  12. "Dom" and "Skyline" of Lübeck:
  13. Fishing at the Obertrave (50 KB)
  14. "Petrikirche" from the first half of the 13th century, with the "Marienkirche" in the background (45 KB)

Some further impressions:

© Map of Lübeck taken from "gewusstwo - Branchenadressbuch" by Verlag Schmidt-Römhild Lübeck

© Pictures by the following members of the organizing committee of STACS'97: K. Genther, A. Jakoby, S. Weis

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Last modified: February 25, 1997 by K. Genther.